Your Guide to a Career as a Content Writer


Content writing blends digital marketing and creative talents to attract an audience for brands. Virtually every sector may benefit from content writers to develop interesting pieces for present and potential customers. If you have a knack for writing and enjoy researching a wide range of topics to generate compelling content, becoming a content writer may be the ideal career for you. This piece describes the responsibilities of a content writer, provides additional information about their work, and discusses how to begin a career in the industry.

What does a content writer’s role entail?

A content writer creates original work for business purposes. Content writers may collaborate with other experts to determine a client’s content needs or to execute business duties. They produce content using keyword methods for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in order to boost their client’s online visibility.

Content writers conduct research on a topic to determine how other writers have approached a similar concept, tailoring their writing based on data from credible sources. Typically, they develop an outline during or after their study, produce the article, and then review it – using editing and proofreading tools. Additionally, they compose text using creative expressions for services like ad copy. The work of a content writer is diverse and can include creating content for any of the following:

  • Web content, including landing pages
  • Blogs and articles
  • Whitepapers
  • eBooks
  • social media posts
  • online advertising material
  • product descriptions
  • press releases
  • public relations documents
  • video/podcast scripts
  • email marketing
  • and more

How much do content writers make?

The national average income for content writers is £23,238 per year in the United Kingdom. Depending on their experience and clients, content writers may be able to boost their salary by completing work for significant campaigns, including those for national brands, or by serving a large number of clients. Working with established marketing or copywriting businesses might provide you with a steady income and advantages such as health insurance and paid time off. Freelance content writers who secure their own contracts may earn an inccome that fluctuates based on their current workload.

According to Business.LinkedIn, “creative Freelance Writers… saw a 115% growth between, with more companies looking to enhance their digital presence with high-quality content.” The expansion of online advertising and marketing is increasing the demand for content writers who can offer text for any online platform.

How to Become a Content Writer

To pursue a content writing career, follow these steps:

#1 Read the works of other content writers

Exposure to many forms of content cultivates writing skills. Reading a variety of texts can help you enhance your vocabulary and develop other literacy skills that writers use to create their own works. Being a voracious reader enables you to understand how other writers use tactics such as sentence flow and word choice to build a narrative or develop their main idea. This can encompass both fiction and nonfiction, as both genres employ comparable tactics to captivate readers through their linguistic skills.

#2 Practice writing content

Gain experience by writing your own sample work or offering free writing services. Join an online writing group to network with other professionals, or attend in-person meetups. Identify your biggest assets and areas where you can continue to build your talents by getting input from your peers. Some content writers have a background in fiction and use their abilities to convey and artistically explain concepts to generate consumer-focused content.

#3 Get your bachelor’s degree

As a content writer, your writing talents are more important than your educational background. Many professional writers begin their careers by earning degrees in subjects emphasizing creative expression or communication for business and social purposes. Bachelor of arts programs offer classes that enhance critical thinking and written communication in order to convey and evaluate ideas. Majoring in English, linguistics, or public relations are all effective strategies to improve your writing and language skills.

#4 Master SEO

Content writers use SEO strategies to increase the effectiveness of their writing. Search Engine Optimization entails using keywords that correspond to popular search phrases. These phrases reflect what users enter into search engines when looking for information online. Most digital content uses SEO to determine what topics writers should focus on and what information to include. You may find a slew of SEO-related tutorials and articles online to help you understand the terminology and techniques employed by content writers.

#5 Look for freelance work

Freelance contracts can help you launch your writing career. Look for websites that have job boards for freelance writers. Typically, these services ask users to create a profile with writing examples that demonstrate their writing skills. As a novice writer, you may need to write sample content to demonstrate your expertise to prospective clients. You can also check with certain agencies for freelance work opportunities. In addition to their own writing team, content writing companies frequently recruit freelancers to do certain tasks.

#6 Join a content agency

As a staff content writer, you may expect a solid income and continuous work from clients assigned by the agency. Working for one eliminates the need to seek out clients on your own time. You can instead focus on enhancing your writing and editing skills by working with a team of content specialists. To be considered for a position with an agency, you may have to submit a CV and writing samples, followed by the creation of one or more sample pieces under the guidance of the company’s hiring professionals and senior writers.

Content Writer Skills

Here are the most important skills content writers use to create written material:


Throughout the writing process, content writers become subject matter experts by reading and analyzing information pertaining to the current topic. In-depth research abilities help writers locate relevant information for a topic. They also know how to use specific search phrases to discover the most relevant content for a writing assignment.

Critical Thinking

In order to create a new piece of information, content writers read and analyze and get inspired from a wealth of sources. After examining and assimilating information, they compress and elaborate facts, quotes, and ideas to compose their own content about a topic. Content writers assess the goal and readership of an article to determine how to write it with impact. Critical thinking enables writers to understand what they read and use it as inspiration for an original piece of writing.


Professional writers are expected to submit work that is as error-free as possible. Although some businesses may also use editors to review written content, skilled content writers acquire the ability to edit and rewrite their own work. Editing entails evaluating the arrangement and flow of a writer’s thoughts by examining the entire work. It also involves thoroughly examining the writer’s language usage and mechanics.


Content writers must have a solid grasp of grammar principles and how to apply them in writing. This involves the use of correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Content writers also use diversified word selection to improve the readability of their work, which requires a solid vocabulary in written English.


Most content writers generate their thoughts on a computer. Aside from taking notes or creating an outline, they directly type their work into a digital document. Learning to type swiftly, without hesitating to locate a letter or character, might enhance a writer’s ability to record their thoughts at the speed of their thoughts.


Although content writers write nonfiction, creativity is a crucial skill to possess. Content writers use creativity to tackle a topic from a new angle or choose the appropriate descriptive phrases to make their writing more engaging. Plus, imagination enables writers to change their sentence form and use to captivate, influence, and inspire. This can be significant for marketing materials, as content writers are frequently tasked with creating words that attract potential buyers.

Content writer work environment

In many instances, content writers work flexible hours and may even determine their own schedules. It is also usual for content writers to work remotely, either as employees of a company that hires writing staff or as independent contractors for several clients. They often use word processing software on a computer and spend most of their time in front of a screen. Some content writers work in an office environment as part of the marketing department or a dedicated writing team.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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