10 Reasons People Choose to Freelance


People choose to freelance for many reasons, including work-life balance, flexibility, passion pursuit, and a desire to travel. A recent FlexJobs survey revealed some of the most common reasons people choose to freelance.

If you’ve decided to become a freelancer, knowing what it’s like to pursue a freelancer lifestyle these days will help you set yourself up for success.

10 reasons why people choose to freelance

#1 Work-Life balance

According to the FlexJobs survey, the main reason people choose to freelance is to achieve a healthier work-life balance. In fact, 70% of respondents wished to be a freelancer because they wanted to find a better “rhythm” between their business and personal goals.

#2 Choose when I work

62% of respondents cited work schedule flexibility as a major incentive for deciding to freelance. Flexible schedule freelance jobs might provide you complete control over how many hours and days you want to work.

#3 Freedom

Many of the reasons people choose freelance have one thing in common: they want to be free. The same survey found that 56% of respondents stated having the freedom to make decisions that fit their lives was a big reason they freelanced.

#4 Choose where I work

Work freedom frequently comes with no requirement to live in a specific geographical area. 55% of respondents valued the ability to move without fear of losing their job and the freedom to work from any place.

#5 Become my own boss

The independent lifestyle gives you the freedom to set your own workload and the type of job you choose to do, which is appealing to 49% of poll respondents. Many successful freelancers have discovered that a small cash cushion can be really beneficial when starting off the freelancing journey.

#6 Pick my own projects

What type of work gives you satisfaction, and perhaps even joy? 46% of respondents stated they wanted the freedom to choose their own projects. Whether you want to work on several freelance projects at once or just one that’s lucrative, freelance business is flexible enough to give you that.

#7 Family

45% of respondents cited family issues as a primary reason for freelance work. Successful freelancers frequently discover that they want structure and boundaries, especially when working from home and having to choose between freelance and family.

#8 The dreaded commute

The mere burden of going back and forth to work in traditional jobs can be a joy killer. 38% of respondents wanted to freelance in order to save time and money on commuting.

#9 More efficient

Working from home (a benefit that many freelancers enjoy) makes people more productive. 36% of respondents cited better productivity as a primary reason they choose to freelance.

#10 Time savings

35% of respondents would prefer to freelance so they can save time and have a more effective day overall. Freelancing can help you save time by allowing you to enjoy quality time with your family and friends and pursue personal interests and hobbies.

Other reasons why people choose to freelance

Aside from the reasons outlined above, the FlexJobs survey discovered many other reasons people choose to freelance. Here are a few examples, in order of popularity:

  • Avoiding Office Politics and Distractions: 30%
  • Travel: 29%
  • Cut on costs: 27%
  • Poor local job markets: 24%
  • Caregiving Responsibilities: 17%
  • Fitness: 17%
  • Gas prices: 15%
  • Health complications: 13%

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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