11 Reasons Freelancers Need A Website


With so many places to create a professional profile online – sites like LinkedIn, Fiverr, Behance, and the list goes on – do freelancers need their own website?

The short answer is yes! You absolutely must have a website.

The long answer is, well…

Professional profiles are essential for attracting clients who are seeking out freelancers on these websites. However, having a dedicated website for your freelance business is one of the most important things you can do to stand out from your competition.

Fiverr or UpWork isn’t going to cut it if you want to grow your business and start attracting your ideal clients who pay you well.

Your freelance website is the first step in getting clients. It’s your brand, portfolio, and “digital storefront.” A website boosts your visibility and elevates your brand from “$10/hour UpWork contractor” to “business owner.” And I am living proof…

My freelance business did not take off until I established my freelance website.

When I first started freelancing, I charged a pittance per hour for my services. I needed to have at least 6 or 7 clients at once and work 60+ hours per week to make enough money. And I was wasting SO MUCH TIME bidding on new jobs every week – some of which resulted in new contracts, but the majority of which were a waste of time.

It wasn’t until I created a website that I began receiving requests for my work. People were approaching me! They found me through my blog, social media, and Facebook groups in which I was active. They visited my website and saw the services I provided. And they approached me to collaborate!

I was able to start charging higher prices and putting together service packages. That’s when I realized I could make the same amount of money working with only a few clients at a time. In addition, I could provide them with better services. And I’d be able to stop wasting time pitching and getting nowhere!

Having a website for my freelance business changed everything for me. It helped me stand out, look professional, communicate my services, raise my prices, attract my ideal clients, and no longer waste time pitching.

With so much competition for freelance work, I believe that all serious freelancers should have their own website.

If you’re still not convinced, here are 11 more compelling reasons why freelancers should have a website.

#1 Project a professional look

Taking the time to create a web presence for your freelance demonstrates that you take your business seriously to the rest of the world. Simply having a website makes you look a professional rather than a hobbyist or wannabe freelancer.

Your website conveys who you are, what you do, and who you partner with. It demonstrates to potential clients what you’re capable of. If you want to be taken seriously as a freelancer, you must have a website (and charge the rates you want). It’s that simple.

#2 Stand out from the crowd (of bad freelancers)

Do you know how many clients have told me horror stories about working with freelancers? To be honest, I don’t keep track, but it’s probably around 80% of them!

Clients hire a freelancer, and then they vanish halfway through the project. They no longer respond to emails and texts. Or the freelancer claimed to be able to complete a task but could not do so. As a result, the client loses money and loses confidence in freelancers.

Having a website shows clients that you’re serious about doing business. It communicates that you’re reliable. Your content, testimonials, and photos all nurture a good impression that you’re in it for the long haul – and that you won’t abandon them!

There are so many bad freelancers out there; if you can prove to clients that you mean business, you’ll be one step closer to getting the job.

#3 An ideal platform to send potential clients

You want to make a good first impression when you meet a potential client, whether in-person or online, right? You want to be regarded as serious and professional.

Having a website to direct them to is an excellent way to accomplish this. They’ll be able to see some of your work and the services you provide right off the bat, allowing them to form an immediate mental picture of how you can help them (or help someone they know).

Plus, a website will enable your friends, family, past clients, and network to refer you with ease and confidence. Every time someone suggests a freelancer or agency I should work with, my first thought is, “cool, send me their website so I can check them out.” If they don’t have a website, I’m unlikely to even consider them because finding and connecting with them is so much more work for me.

You can include your website address on your business card, social media bios, and freelance job site profiles so that potential clients can learn more about you.

#4 Show your personality

Your customers want to work with YOU, not some faceless company. Your website serves as a digital representation of yourself.

A potential client can get a better sense of who you are and what you’re like by looking at your website’s design, style, images, and copy. They’ll feel a stronger connection to you after learning more about you – much stronger than they would from simply reading your “Social Media Consultant” headline on LinkedIn.

Maybe on your about page, you mention your weekend hiking habit, your never-ending quest for the best sandwich in every city you visit (or is it just me? how about your crazy obsession with your dog? These things can elicit a “me too!” from a client and create an instant bond. They’ll like you even before they meet you.

Allow your personality to shine through, and you’ll begin to get clients you actually want to work with.

#5 Show your services and prices

A website’s services page is your platform to show what you do in greater levels of granularity. Create an experience for your potential clients. Show them what it’s like to work with you, so they know exactly what to expect before they ever call you.

This page is extremely useful for people who have found you through referrals or social media. It defines what you do, who you help, and how you help them.

Displaying pricing is a personal preference, but if you do, clients will know what the investment will be ahead of time, and you’ll be able to stand firm on how much you charge and avoid lowball offers.

You can also include a “work with me” button on this page so that people who need what you offer can begin working with you right away.

#6 Streamline onboarding new clients

A freelance website can help you manage your new client leads like a pro once you have clients coming to you (rather than you chasing them on bidding sites).

Embed a form or questionnaire on your contact page so that clients can contact you about collaborating. You’re taking the guesswork out of the equation by laying out your requirements.

You can even take it a step further by including a booking calendar so that potential clients can schedule a call with you with a few clicks.

These days, there are many options for automating client onboarding, and it all starts with your website. Anything you can do to make things easier for both your clients and yourself is a big win.

#7 Host your portfolio

Show off your skills! Including a portfolio of previous work on your website gives clients a chance to examine what you’ve done – and helps them imagine the work you can do for them.

Your portfolio style hinges on the type of work you do. You can include images, videos, text, or hyperlinks. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Include a link to any guest posts or blog posts you’ve written.
  • Showcase the websites you’ve created.
  • Share screenshots and designs from any social media campaigns you’ve worked on.
  • And, if possible, include some results – for example, this campaign increased reach by X% or received a clickthrough rating of X%. Alternatively, the new web design increased email signups by X%. Metrics can demonstrate that your work looks good and produces results.

Portfolios express who you are and what you do, so be creative and have fun with it!

#8 Show clients testimonials

Social proof is priceless. Testimonials can boost the credibility of your portfolio by adding another layer of trust. You can brag about how wonderful you are all day, but people are more likely to believe it when they hear it from someone else.

Include radiating testimonials from previous clients. If you don’t have any past work to speak of, use this:

  • LinkedIn recommendations 
  • Reviews from freelancing sites (or content mills) like Fiverr and UpWork
  • Praise you’ve gotten for social media posts
  • Emails from clients thanking you for a job well done

Always ask for testimonials and obtain permission to post them on your website. People like to see human faces, so you get extra points if they let you use a headshot.

A good testimonial can help clients move from a “maybe” to a “yes.”

#9 Share Content

Content is the king of all media. Content is a must for any business these days, and freelancers are no exception. Here are some reasons why content is important:

  • helps to establish you as an expert
  • shows clients what you can do
  • builds trust
  • can add to your portfolio
  • Puts you on the social media map
  • helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • answers common questions your clients might have

And these are just a few of the reasons why you need content.

Blog posts, ebooks, checklists, guides, resources, designs, social media posts, and photos are all examples of content. While keeping your niche and services in mind, think of what types of content can help you deliver your message to cut through the noise and get clients.

#10 Create an Email List

Have you ever heard the expression “the money is in the list”? They’re talking about email lists. When you have an email list of people interested in what you’re doing, want to hear from you, and like your work, you’re just an email away from landing new clients.

You can use an email list to launch promotions, special offers, or reminders for people to book a reservation with you, order new products, or use a service. An email list is an easy way to contact subscribers when you’re short on work.

If you ever want to launch a product – eBooks, courses, prints, and so on – an email list is a must-have.

Your website is the best place to begin building your email list right away. Even if you don’t think you need a list any time soon, you’ll wish you’d started one sooner.

#11 Create your own business

In the end, having a website will help you grow yourself, your business, and your profits.

A website helps you attract clients rather than chasing them down on bidding sites.

It has the potential to streamline your client intake process.

It will also help you build an audience so that you can one day explore other income streams.

A website is the first step toward becoming a full-fledged self-employed, thriving freelance boss.

Are you ready to create a website for your freelance business? Check out this guide on starting a freelance website.

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Hey there!

I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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