4 Tips to Juggle Multiple Freelance Projects


There are several benefits to working as a freelancer, including the ability to work in your slippers and yoga pants. But even a moon has a dark side.

One of the most significant cons pertaining to the freelancing lifestyle? Having to properly juggle multiple freelance projects and clients at the same time.

There’s no disputing how hard it is to keep track of everything. Staying on top of all of your different responsibilities, deadlines, and relationships, however, is essential if you want to cultivate a favorable and professional reputation.

Fortunately, after more than 7 years of freelancing, I’ve discovered some techniques that can help you stay organized and productive—regardless of how many clients you have on your plate.

Here are 4 crucial tips to juggle multiple projects successfully as a freelancer:

#1 Get organized

This first tip may seem to be painfully obvious. However, it’s necessary while managing multiple freelance projects.

Create a calendar system to keep track of different deadlines. Make folders in your inbox to organize communications from various clients. Keep track of what’s been finished, what you’re presently working on, and what’s coming up next with Todoist or some other project management application.

Finding a system that works well for you is critical for successfully managing multiple freelance projects and deadlines. Don’t underestimate the significance of laying that foundation.

#2 Batch your work

For a long time, I thought it was best to focus on one client job at a time. I’d focus on everything connected with one article for a certain client before moving on to the next. I reasoned that keeping things separate was the most efficient way to approach several projects.

I’ve noticed, though, that batching my work is significantly more efficient. I’ll spend an hour, for example, going through emails and responding to clients. Then I’ll devote some time to research and outlining upcoming pieces that I need to work on. When I’m feeling extremely concentrated, I’ll devote time to genuine writing work.

This not only keeps me from feeling frazzled, but it also boosts my productivity. According to experts, it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus on a task after it has been interrupted. So, by grouping comparable to-dos together, I don’t waste time switching gears all the time.

#3. Set realistic deadlines

When planning your calendar and setting expectations with freelance clients, it’s tempting to have tunnel vision and only think about what you’re working on for that one client. If you don’t have a lot of work from them right now, you could establish a more aggressive timetable for yourself.

Instead, consider deadlines in the context of your whole workload. For example, if you’re already working on multiple freelance projects, you may need to give yourself a bit more leeway when setting a deadline with another customer.

By considering your workload as a whole, rather than just on a client-by-client basis, you’ll be lot more practical when establishing deadlines, and thus avoid overextending yourself.

Plus, if you promise to deliver the project in, say, 20 days, and end up delivering it in 14 days, you’ll look as a hero, someone who over-delivers.

#4 Watch out for opportunity costs

There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with having multiple freelance projects piling up. It’s a badge of honor to have a big client roster, and it’s tempting to collect clients like baseball cards.

However, it’s vital to recognize that not all freelance projects are made equal. Some will be significantly more profitable than others, and it’s a good idea to keep track of where you’re getting the most bang for your buck (or, in this case, time).

For example, suppose one client pays you $500 for a project that takes you six hours to complete. Another client pays you $500, but due to their needs and the complexity of their job, it takes you closer to 14 hours.

Obviously, the first job is a far better use of your time, thus it may be worthwhile to drop the second freelance project in order to devote more time to the first client (and therefore improve your income!). It’s great to diversify. But just because you can fill your plate with several clients doesn’t mean you should.

Every freelancer wants to stay busy (after all, if you aren’t, it means there is no work!). Juggling multiple projects at once, on the other hand, can be quite the challenge. Put these tips to use, and you’ll be able to streamline your workload and stay organized.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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