5 Email Popup Examples And How They Work


Want to grow your email list and generate more high-quality leads for your business?

That’s an excellent strategy. Email marketing is one of the most efficient (and cost-effective) ways to reach out to potential clients. No wonder 87% of marketers use email to promote their products, software, or services.

However, motivating people to subscribe is becoming more challenging by the day. After all, it can sometimes be a nightmare to stand out when every business out there is requesting emails.

Fortunately, using an email popup to market your newsletter, gated content, or loyalty program still remains an effective strategy in 2022.

We’ll break down exactly what to include in your email popup and highlight 5 popup examples that get results. You’ll learn how to increase your email subscriber count without bleeding money on Facebook or Google ads.

What is an email popup, and why do you need one?

An email popup us a signup form that slides or fades in over the main website content, asking for the visitor’s email address.

In its most basic version, it’s a small floating box with a call-to-action (CTA), a catchy image or graphic, and a signup form.

It appears with some movement and hovers above the site’s primary content, with the option to hide it (in the form of an exit button).

Here’s a sample…

It may even be a “lightbox popup,” which appears over current content and dims or hides the primary content entirely.

Why would you want to put an email popup on your website, though? Isn’t it disturbing the user’s experience?

Yes, it’ll interrupt the visitor for a fraction of a second, but it’s one of the most effective ways to use email marketing to generate leads.

An email popup in 2022 will be much more than a static form. It’s typically part of a well-thought-out opt-in campaign that includes customized lead magnets and text. The content is determined by the user’s previous interactions with your website or a Google search.

You may start collecting a lot more emails for your business with a campaign like that. As a result, you’ll be able to reach out to potential consumers and nurture them throughout the buyer journey.

Email marketing is more targeted than other channels, which is a great opportunity for you to better segment your audiences with the help of AI-powered personalization tools.

These are just a few of the reasons why email marketing provides the best return on investment of any medium, averaging $42 for every $1 spent.

Plus, having email addresses allows you to communicate with your potential consumers in new ways. For instance, you can send cart abandonment emails ­– which are reminders emailed to subscribers who leave an eCommerce cart without making a purchase.

These emails have a whopping 4.64% conversion rate (of emails sent).

Do email popups still work in 2022?

According to a Sumo survey, only 1.95% of site visitors sign up for a newsletter or other email list – on average.

When you use a well-designed email popup, this number rises since it stands out and grabs your visitors’ attention. In fact, some businesses have been able to increase their signup rate by as much as 7.12%.

What should I write in my email popup?

To motivate your visitors that signing up for your newsletter is the best decision they’ll ever make, treat the email popup like a little landing page and write short-form material.

Here are some elements to focus on:

  • A catchy headline relevant to your target audience
  • “What’s in it for them” – the pros of subscribing to your newsletter or joining your loyalty program

Consider the following basic popup example from Conversion XL

Conversion XL is a professional marketing audience-focused conversion rate optimization blog.

The email popup focuses on the title rather than a dazzling image, giving a free first lesson. It’s straightforward and to-the-point, emphasizing that it’s about content planning for a B2B audience rather than general guidance.

One thing it does differently is that it highlights a typical problem with content marketing that firms face.

The content is written in a “problem-solution” pattern, which is a frequent story structure in copywriting. Include this in your email popup language to really capture your user’s attention, as pain points are more likely to elicit emotional engagement.

What copy works best on your form is determined by your niche, target demographic, and “voice.”

We’ll show you 5 more examples of email popups and explain why they work in the list below.

5 effective email popups (and why they work)

If you’re looking for ideas for your next email popup, here are five terrific examples to get you started.


This email popup from Gaiam, a yoga store, is a great fit for their brand.

The background image is a henna-inspired design that complements the rest of the site’s soothing visuals.

The perks are stated in the headline: save 20% on all purchases simply by providing your email address.

This type of basic selling offer works well in an exit-intent popup as well.

Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon Protein Cereal is a brand of cereal that’s high in protein. This company has perfected the art of eCommerce email marketing. Instead of a 10% discount, their email popup offers visitors a daily chance to win a free month’s supply of their cereal.

Helix Sleep

Helix Sleep uses the email popup form as a supporting strategy to promote their Memorial Day offer during the holiday season.

It’s direct and to the point, emphasizing the benefits visitors can gain by signing up.

Also, notice how when the popup form appears, the rest of the site fades away. This straightforward impact helps in drawing attention to your form. Fewer distractions, more attention.

Old Spices

If you remember the “I’mon a horse” commercial, you won’t be surprised to learn that Old Spice incorporates humor on their website as well.

Instead of “save 15% on your purchases,” they go with “Ahoy Matey!” as the headline. They also say that your nose will appreciate it later.

It’s a smart tactic they’ve been doing to stay on brand. So, whatever channel you’re on, your blog, YouTube channel, or Twitter, you’re always getting the same feel.

There’s no need to stop using humor in your titles and content just because you’re using it in your popup forms. Even the email popup should be consistent with the brand.


Fjallraven, a Swedish hiking, and outdoor gear company, does an excellent job with their email popup. The headline emphasizes not only their brand messaging, but also the primary benefit of signing up.

The photograph also shows their items in action in a perfect setting: hiking across a lovely terrain.


Besame is another cosmetics giant that understands how to communicate with its customers. Their email popup form is an example of a more subtle approach.

If you don’t want to disrupt the user experience of your store, You can keep the form size small.

The headline “Be A #BesameBeauty” emphasizes the idea that using their products will make you feel gorgeous.

It also promotes their favorite hashtag on social media to get people talking about it.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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