5 High-Value Product Ideas To Create Passive Income


The concept of products and passive income revolves around sprucing up existing content, reformatting it, and selling it as products. So, to be clear, this isn’t entirely passive. But, to be honest, nothing worthwhile should be completely passive. If you want to establish a reputation as someone worth investing in, you must first invest in the products you sell. Simple math!

BUT, once you’ve started selling products and have everything automated, you’ll have a second income source that doesn’t require as much time and effort.

So, let’s get started: 5 high-value product ideas to create passive income

Email course

This can be a high-end product that costs $100 or a low-cost product that costs $15. You create an email course by converting your content into a course that your website visitors can complete via email. They sign up, and your content is set up to distribute to them automatically as often as you’d like (daily, weekly, etc).

This is a terrific strategy to get people to join your email list, show up in their inbox every day, familiarize them with your personality and knowledge, and introduce ways for them to collaborate with you in the future (i.e. hire your services).

Email courses include topics such as how to pay off debt in six months, writing prompts for better blogging, social media ad setup, and meditations for the stressed entrepreneur.

Library of content

This is yet another fantastic passive-income idea that I first saw on Elle & Co. Assume you have free, high-quality material all over your website. However, you may have some genuine gold nuggets stashed away, or you may have your BEST and MOST FUN ideas hidden away in your mind.

A library is a fantastic way to charge for VIP access to these special ideas. You’ve previously demonstrated your experience and know-how. You’re simply putting it up as a collection that others can access for a fee. Subscriptions are available on a monthly or annual basis. The idea is to deliver genuine value and to keep it current. While this may not be the most “passive” form of income, it may be a delightful product with a paying following that consumes the fresh information you supply. Because this content is developed once and then sold to a large number of people, the labor isn’t as taxing as one-on-one client work.

Graphic design (desktop wallpapers, printable journaling pages, entertaining characters or comic books), recipes, business coaching, social media advice, plugin reviews or developer tutorials are all good library ideas.

DIY your services – online course (for low-budget, self-paced users)

You already have all of the materials you use with clients – what if you supplement those clients with those materials and let them do the work on their own? This is ideal for clients who admire your work but are unable to pay for it. And it’s great that you can still get your services out without devoting more of your time (especially if you’re still working a 9-5). People who purchase this product will still receive your insights, but they will do so at their own pace.

Pre-made templates

Depending on your industry, this format can mean a variety of things. However, the idea is to take things you use in your daily life as a ___ (fill in your job title) and sell them as a resource to others in your industry or who would normally use your services.

Erin E Flynn, for example, sells an e-book of designer scripts that designers can adapt and send to clients in challenging situations. Many developers sell WordPress themes that they have coded for people to buy and install on their own. If you’re a graphic designer who uses “actions” on Photoshop, you can put together a bundle of your favorites and sell it.

Ebook created from your blog archives

If you have a business blog, chances are your blog archives aren’t working as hard as they should be for you and your company. Create a category-based archive and sell it as an e-book! You’ve already put in the sweat, and thesaurus-ing to create the content; all that’s left is to polish it up, combine it, and sell it as a single, easy-to-read e-book package. People will pay for the ease of having all of your knowledge in one e-book format instead of having to sift through your archives.

That’s all there is to it! There are five ways to turn what you already do into passive income products. The goal is to get creative and come up with solutions to help a large number of people at once.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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