6 Must-Haves On Your LinkedIn Profile For Freelancers


LinkedIn is the go-to network for both recruiters and professionals. You’ve probably used it to look for a better job at some point in your career. But, since you began freelancing, have you given much thought to the network?

LinkedIn is a gold mine of quality clients and most freelancers are underutilizing it.

Consider this. If you’re targeting a specific type of business, chances are they’re almost certainly on the platform!

A strong LinkedIn profile will help you stand out and be discovered by potential clients. Because they are looking for you even if you aren’t actively looking for new clients.

I’ve found that most of my clients check in on my LinkedIn page before contacting or hiring me. If I hadn’t kept my LinkedIn profile up to date, I might not have been considered for most of my recent work. This alone makes LinkedIn a valuable marketing tool for freelancers.

Let’s go over each section of your LinkedIn profile and see how we can make it stand out to your ideal clients.


First things first, be sure to change your privacy settings so you don’t share your profile revamps with everyone.

#1 Profile picture

In less than a second, we can draw conclusions about people based on a photo.

So, it’s critical to take the time to upload a professional picture that reflects your brand.

Quick tips:

  • Don’t use an old Facebook profile picture and crop out your friend (you’re not fooling anyone, that’s someone’s shoulder!).
  • Use a solid background, or at the very least stand in front of something that isn’t distracting.
  • Smile!
  • Put on an outfit that says I’m successful! You don’t have to wear a suit, but you shouldn’t wear your slouchy sweater and yoga pants to work.
  • Crop the frame to highlight your face. Crop it at the waist or the shoulders. Full-body shots are difficult to identify in such a small thumbnail.

#2 Headline

This is, without a doubt, the most important aspect of your LinkedIn profile.

When people search for jobs on LinkedIn, for example, Social Media Manager or Content Writer, the search results are based on headlines. That means they have to include important keywords.

Your headline is set to your current position and company by default. If you’re trying to attract new clients and your default headline is “I’m a proud employee of this call center,” they’ll assume you’re not looking for new opportunities and move on to the next profile.

Consider what your ideal client might be looking for when they search for you and include it in your headline.

#3 Summary

While your headline is meant to grab attention, your summary is meant to increase interest.

This section allows you to delve a little deeper into who you are, what you do, and what matters to you. This is the place where you can tell a story that goes beyond your job title.

Most importantly, this section should make it clear to the reader what benefits they will get. In other words, how are you going to help their business?

When telling your story, keep in mind who you’re writing for and the point you want to make – that you’re a top-tier freelancer who can help them achieve their goals.

Your summary should conclude with a call to action (CTA). Say something like, “I’m always open to new opportunities in…” or “If you want to talk about x, y, or z…” and then tell them how they can reach you.

Are you looking for ideas? Check out these 3 inventive LinkedIn summaries to get your creative juices flowing.

#4 portfolio

As Rick & Morty’s alien once said, “show me what you got!”

LinkedIn provides you with a few options for showcasing your portfolio to potential clients and hiring managers.

First up is the media section, directly beneath your summary. You can upload PDFs, images, PowerPoint presentations, and links. Use this section to share a few key pieces that you want to highlight.

You can also use this area to include a link to your website.

Next up is the articles section, which displays articles you’ve written on the LinkedIn platform. Consider republishing some of your blog content directly on LinkedIn if you’re a blogger or writer. If you aren’t a writer, consider what kinds of articles you could write to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field.

It’ll bring some added value to your profile and help you reach a new audience.

Go to your home feed and click “write an article on LinkedIn” below the regular update box to start writing a new article on LinkedIn.


#5 Work experience

Do you really need to include your work history here if most clients aren’t going to ask for a copy of your resume?

The simple answer is: include it if it’s relevant.

Any previous work that demonstrates your experience, knowledge, and expertise should be included. Put up any jobs pertaining to the work you do as a freelancer. However, you’re free to leave out your high school pizza delivery days.

One job you must include is your current position as a freelancer. This informs anyone looking through that you’re currently freelancing and open to new opportunities.


When creating a new role, enter freelance under the company name. You can select the freelance category that best suits your needs.

To demonstrate exactly what you did in your role, you can include specific links or media right in the work history section.

#6 Endorsements

Bill Gates once said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.” Truth is: if you have social proof, you can get anywhere you want.

A recommendation or endorsement on LinkedIn is the equivalent of a 5-star review on Google.

Testimonials – Ask your clients, employer or colleagues to write testimonials or recommendations for you to post on LinkedIn. The most effective way to request a recommendation is to write one yourself. Most people will feel compelled to repay the favor. This is known as the reciprocity effect.


Skills – Add the skills that are most relevant to your freelance career. This allows others to endorse you for those skills.

To be honest, most people don’t give much thought to their LinkedIn profiles. If you put some effort into it, you’ll stand out in a sea of dull resumes and boring headshots.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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