How to Improve Your Freelance Pitch and Get More Clients


The ability of a freelancer to get more clients is frequently determined by how great their freelance pitch is. Keeping this in mind, if you’re a freelancer, independent contractor, or small business owner, you should prioritize refining your pitches in order to land more clients and grow your business.

This advice, however, may be easier said than done. What’s the problem with your present method to pitching for new business, and what exactly makes a client pitch effective?

Here are 3 tips for developing and delivering a stronger freelance pitch in order to get more clients:

#1 Begin at the end

Before you can figure out the best way to pitch a new client, you must first understand why you want to collaborate with that particular client. 

To get more clients, produce freelance pitch materials with your target in mind. It’s better to work backward and figure out who you’re pitching to. Once you’ve identified your ideal client, conduct your homework to learn about their needs in terms of your services, whether through web resources, social media platforms, or networking. When you understand your prospect’s needs, you can customize your templated pitch to address them.

#2 Make it about them

Some freelancers approach pitching by focusing on the services they provide as their core message. For example, they could produce documents for email or a phone freelance pitch that outlines their services, skills, and freelance rates. While these are all critical things that you should be prepared to give to a customer if they ask, they shouldn’t be the starting point or focal point of your pitch. Instead, using the first method mentioned above, base the opening content of your freelance pitch on an issue you can address for the client.

While this may be related to your specific products, you’ll be more likely to get more clients and land fantastic deals if you start with a client-focused solution.

#3 Pitch in the right places

You may create the most flawless pitch in the world, but it’ll be useless if delivered in the wrong place or through the wrong channel. For instance, if you’ve decided to pitch multiple clients at organizations in the banking industry, you’ll need to find out how to reach these clients the most directly. While social networking is one possibility, it’s difficult to predict if the individuals you contact with your freelance pitch will even read it, let alone respond to it.

However, if you identify where your potential clients might be, such as industry conferences, panels, professional groups, or trade exhibits, you’ll be able to meet and greet them more effectively, and the personal connection may help you get more clients.

Understanding who you want as new clients and what they’re likely to want from you as a freelancer is at the heart of each of the techniques listed above. With these tips in hand, you’ll be able to develop and present a freelance pitch that is truly pitch-perfect.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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