How to make a good landing page in pay per click


Landing Pages in Pay Per Click marketing sound simple—perhaps even basic. So if that were the case, why do the top 25% of landing pages get 5.31% conversions?

Apparently, it’s not so simple after all.

Consider the following tactics to make effective landing pages in pay per click.

What is a Landing Page?

When prospects click on one of your advertisements, they arrive at a “landing page.”

A Landing Page functions as an entry point to your website designed for a marketing campaign.

So, why go through the trouble of designing one in the first place?

A landing page is the first contact your clients have with your website. You don’t want them to get lost in the load of information your site provides.

As soon as your prospects click on the ad, they need to take one of the following actions:

  • Make a purchase;
  • Contact you;
  • Submit a form;
  • Subscribe to your newsletter;
  • Register for an event;
  • Read your blog.

Consider the following points and you’ll be able to make a sound Buyer Journey.

How can you make a good Landing Page in Pay Per Click?

Here are 7 ways to better optimize your landing page for maximum results.

Write an impactful headline

The best headlines are concise, crisp, and serve a purpose. To land on your site, customers need to grasp why they should click on your landing page.

Left unchecked, ambiguity can kill your leads. People are very impatient, because they’re spoiled by businesses who are doing it right.

Long gone are the days when mystery and dramatic phrases drove clicks. Today, clarity means conversions. Period.

A headline is more like an elevator pitch. You only have 5 to 10 seconds to showcase your value.

Try to come up with over 20 headlines and then filter a top choice. Your headline should:

  • bring value to the client;
  • match your message;
  • contain strong words;
  • be clear.

Support your headline with catchy taglines

Many businesses miss on the tagline opportunity. Headlines can only do so much! So, using a catchy tagline can provide an extra weight to your web page.

Let your tagline be your headline’s wing man and you’ll see the strength of both when combined.

Your tagline can express a promise which your headlines simply aren’t capable of.

Remember. A clear tagline triggers conversion actions. Viewers will make an informed decision to click or not, which would decrease your bounce rates to a great extent.

List more benefits and fewer features of your products

The difference between features and benefits can impact your conversion rates to no end. Customers don’t buy because of logic; they buy because they like the experience. So feelings are important.

Features trigger logic. They show your clients why they should buy your product.

On the flip side, benefits speak to the heart. You’re telling clients how the product will influence their experience.

Superoffice recently asked 1,920 business professionals to share their number one priority for the next 5 years. They had to choose between product, pricing, and customer experience. The results were staggering. 

  • Customer Experience: 45.9%
  • Pricing: 20.5%
  • Product: 33.6% 

As you advertise your campaigns, be sure to focus on benefits instead of features and you’ll begin to see the difference.

By shedding light on how your product can improve your clients’s lives, you’ll have a stronger narrative–giving you an opportunity to increase your PCP conversion rates.

Provide high-quality copy

With copywriting, 3 types of readers come to mind: (1) Readers who skim through the text, check photos and their captions. (2) Readers who will look at the visuals and scan the headings, subheadings, and a few paragraphs. (3) Readers who read everything.

Limiting yourself to short copy will prevent you from getting access to at least a third of your potential readers. Less is not more in this case.

So, how should you tackle a long-form copy?

Organization is key. While short copy is easier to write, long-form copy can be a challenge. 

Challenge comes in the shape of your copy elements and their design.

Copy elements

  • Logic flow of arguments
  • Break your copy with bite-sized lists and bullet points
  • Present a subheading every 150-250 words
  • A conversational style goes a long way

Design elements

  • Clean and readable fonts with enough white space. (I suggest Helvetica Neue)
  • Support your copy with visuals
  • Catchy CTA buttons

Answer why the client is here

One of the most cardinal questions a PPC marketer ought to ask is “what’s in it for the client.”

So, create landing pages by crafting attention-grabbing copy in crisp designs. perhaps you could offer your visitors a free product trial or an informative white paper.

Bounce rates on your landing pages can be high as they can be low. The value you’re bringing to the table will have a huge impact on your Return On Investments.

Give the client enough reasons to fill out the form

Most people can be reluctant to share their personal information.

As an advertiser, use your web space to build trust, bring value, and create incentive. This way your prospective customer will be more comfortable to fill out your forms.

Granted, copy should be long, but forms should not. In fact, with forms, the fewer questions you ask, the better your chances are to get to the bottom-funnel stage.

Remember, the KISS rule works for a reason. Keep it short and sweet.

Trigger emotion with creative CTAs

One of the most powerful conversion techniques for every PPC marketing strategy is a powerful Call To Action.

Positive emotion resulted from a captivating Call To Action is a key element on your landing pages. CTAs act as a signpost to let people know what is next.

Miss this chance and your users may not know the next destination.

Remember. A Buyer Journey is called a journey for a reason.

The more you’re in control of the buying journey, the lower your bounce rates are, and the higher your ROIs get.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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