How to Publicize an Event as a Freelancer


Festivals, events, publication of a magazine concert… all associations, and yes that includes freelancers, at one time or another, have to go to meet their public. For this, one word to bear in mind: Communicate! This task may at first seem easy, but it actually requires good preparation. Here are 3 pointers to better stand out and make your project a success.

#1 Adapt your communication to the public

It’s essential to think about the guests you want to target. Students, young professionals, the general public… to whom would you deliver your message? You will need to adapt your communication to your target audience, focusing on adequate media. Are you organizing a student festival? Stickers, stencils, or spectacular actions downtown are good ways to capture students’ attention, along with the traditional ads, the flyers, in as many bars and venues as possible. You want to reach a family audience? So plan an outdoor festival, to benefit from the passing public…

Targeting the audience is equally related to determining the media influencing them. If you’re addressing theatre fans, you will gain nothing from posting an article in a motorcycle magazine. If your communication is tailored to your target audience, it should equally be adapted to the media suitable for them. Do not focus your efforts on national and general media. Quite the contrary, you will have more impact in resorting to the local media: radio, local press, local TV…

#2 The different media

Your documents must draw attention and be pleasant to read. Enhanced graphics and punchy text will have much more impact on professionals than the general public.

The media perspective

The press release

For the press releases, a simple word: Brevity. On a front page, it must include all information necessary for a proper understanding of the project. Focus on the 5 W’s (and How) to be sure not to forget anything: who, what, when, where, how, and why?

Practical advice: always send your files Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) when you email all your contacts.

Journalists will rebound on the raw information and contact you for more. Put forward your assets of seduction.

In terms of time, your press release will be sent eight to fifteen days before the project launch. It may possibly be followed by a call to “ensure its good reputation.” If the first release gained no fruit, don’t panic, persevere instead. Journalists will get to know you more and will act accordingly.

The public perspective

Posters, flyers, and other sticks

Define the sizes and quantities of posters based on the places you are targeting. You must precede the printing of communication material by defining the investigation of the areas frequented by your guests. This includes movie theatres, MJC (Modesto Junior College) and bars; these places are largely frequented by students.

The internet

This is a time when the internet has become indispensable when it comes to communication. Events must therefore efficiently use this incredible tool. Create mailing lists that identify all the email addresses of your supporters/subscribers. The post and/or video of your event should be visible in the email body. Also, consider investing in the websites of the local media, forums of similar events, websites of cultural agendas…

That said, creating a website for your event would be the Holy Grail for your business. A well-designed website with ease of access would greatly facilitate your relationship with your prospects.

#3 What media to seek?

The media that you can opt for is up to you. It depends on the importance of the event, and the sphere of interest. Thus, a festival organized on campus, for example, can attract the local press, but can also interest a national publication if it were dedicated to culture and civilization.

Once your media list is established, you will only need to find the right contacts. It is more efficient if you are targeting the right recipient. Indeed, a press release gets easily lost in the newsroom. It may even go right into the trash if the journalist who is interested is not there to intercept it. To overcome this, here is an idea: personalized email. The websites usually give an address list sorted by category. And if the email is unsatisfactory, you can at least get the journalist’s name and address. A phone call to the editor and you’re almost done!

Do not underestimate word-of-mouth. Always stay available, for if you know you have answered a journalist as part of a program or article, it’s a safe bet that you will be contacted by another. Therefore, avoid the condescending reply, “the decision-maker is not here right now”, “call tomorrow”, or even “I don’t know what you’re talking about”. The whole team must be “briefed” on the event so that they know what to say when they answer a phone interview or simply send additional information quickly.

The media world belongs to distance runners and the communication does not stop at the gates of a gala or festival, it interacts and develops. If you’ve got something to say, then say it, and say it out loud!

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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