Top 10 Freelance Skills to Learn In 2022


The perfect strategy to change careers this year is identifying freelancing skills that answer clients’ needs. This article highlights some of the best freelance skills you may want to master this year to start a new career and make more money as a freelancer.

I compiled this list using data from two surveys (Flexjobs, Indeed, and UpWork) to identify the most trending freelance skills in 2022.

Some of these skills may seem hard or challenging at first, but once you grasp them, you’ll discover that they weren’t all that hard.

I’ll recommend a couple of LinkedIn Learning (previously known as Linda) and Skillshare classes that you can take to begin your new freelance journey and start making money online.

Note: LinkedIn learning offers both a subscription-based and product-based learning experience. I can’t recommend them enough. They offer a free trial for a whole month and you can quit at any time. I don’t affiliate with them. But it’s too good an opportunity to pass on. So, take advantage.

#1 HTML, CSS, and JavaScrip

Web development remains one of the most in-demand freelance skills.

JavaScript programming, CSS, and HTML were among the top 15 most in-demand skills on UpWork in 2022.

Because many brands and businesses are experimenting with interactive elements on their websites, JavaScript was at the top of the list. This could be the year to hone your JavaScript skills and capitalize on market prospects.

Note: With more demand comes increased competition. You’ll have to compete with thousands of other freelancers for web development jobs.

You’ve got to be distinctive and create a unique experience as a web-development freelancer to stand out.

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#2 Web Application Development

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, many businesses have shifted to offering their products and services online. This entailed converting their websites into web applications.

Many companies, including restaurants and even grocery stores, used web apps to let customers shop online and have their purchases delivered to their homes.

This is one of the primary reasons why the demand for web app development is expected to increase. And it’ll continue to grow as we acclimatize to the “new normal.”

The great thing about web apps is that they function exactly like mobile apps on phones. This lowers the cost of creating native Android and iOS apps for businesses. 

Web app development is not a new concept. Still, there are several ways to look into this field and discover the right freelance skills to start your career.

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 #3 WordPress Development & Design

Ranked 7th on Upwork’s lost of the most in-demand skills in 2022, WordPress is one of the quickest and most convenient methods for creating websites. It’s also relatively cheap, making it the go-to platform to develop websites for small businesses.

WordPress theme design, complicated website development, online store creation, and membership platform development are all excellent methods to get started as a freelancer in WordPress development.

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#4 Project Management

During the pandemic, several firms shifted to remote work. While some businesses struggled with the transition, the majority embraced the change and opted to make it permanent.

This method also provided new opportunities for freelancers, particularly project managers. 

Project managers are typically in charge of managing a team, assigning work, and ensuring that projects remain on schedule.

Project management is the 4th most popular skill to seek this year, according to FlexJobs. If you enjoy interacting with others, this could be the right skill for you. 

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#5 Cloud Computing

According to Indeed, Cloud Computing is one of hottest skills to master this year. When it comes to cloud computing, however, there are numerous different niches to examine.

First, aim to focus on studying cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and the skills required to become a cloud computing engineer or even a programmer.

Then, you can look for opportunities to work with SaaS (Software as a Service) companies and startups to help them develop their projects. AngelList provides great opportunities for such freelancers. 

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#6 Data Science & Analysis

Although data science may seem hard, it’s a relatively simple skill to learn.

In business, it’s primarily about helping organizations analyze their sales and client data to further enhance their business outcomes.

Data analysts earn high wages, and it’s a lucrative trade that anyone can learn. However, to master data analysis, you must also have additional skills such as understanding data, recognizing trends, and so on.

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#7 Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants are in charge of handling tasks that would normally take place in an office, except that everything now takes place online.

Your duty as an Administrative Assistant is to look after clients, manage social media, manage your teams, provide virtual support, bookkeeping, and other responsibilities.

While it may appear to be a simple job, it demands a high level of competence and the ability to multitask.

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#8 Consulting

With the tremendous growth of companies moving online and shifting to remote work, the demand for freelance consultants is also on the rise.

A management consultant’s annual income is more than $87K. Most consultants charge between $60 and $100 per hour for their services.

As a beginner, consulting is a challenging skill to learn. Especially considering it requires prior expertise in the business of your choice.

However, some consulting categories, such as SEO consulting, are quite simple to master. You can even experiment on your own to get experience.

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#9 Video Production

According to the most recent UpWork survey, Video Production is another skill in high demand. 

It’s no surprise that businesses are searching for video producers and editors to create better video content, especially with platforms like TikTok taking over the social networking space.

If you want to pursue a successful freelance business, now is the time to acquire and polish your talents as a video editor.

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#10 Building Shopify Stores

It’s difficult to believe how popular Shopify is. It is, in fact, one of the top ten most in-demand skills on UpWork for 2022.

Learning to develop online stores for clients on Shopify is a valuable skill that will allow you to make a lot of money.

In addition to charging clients for building their online store, you may earn a commission from Shopify for every new client you introduce to the platform.

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Final Thoughts

Finding the right skill to master is critical if you want to make more money as a freelancer. However, it’s even more crucial to choose something you enjoy doing.

If you’re not interested in learning these skills, don’t try to learn them. Learn what you’d like to accomplish, and you’ll never have to “work” again.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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