Where To Set Up Your Freelance Workspace


Working for yourself has the benefit of allowing you to set up your freelance workspace wherever you want.

Most of us only require a laptop and a reliable internet connection. However, some of us work better in specific settings, and working from home can be difficult, not to mention lonely – especially if you’re just starting out on this solo adventure. Every work environment has pros and cons, and you’ve got to pick the one that works best for you – which is why I’ve compiled this brief list of freelance workspace alternatives for you to consider.

Where should you set up your freelance workspace?

Home office

This is the most obvious option because you already pay rent to live there, so the space is essentially free.

But the truth is that sometimes working from home isn’t the ideal option. There’s always something to distract you from your work, whether it’s the sink full of dishes or the persistent taunt of your Netflix queue. Perhaps a construction crew is digging up the walkway in front of your building, and trying to enter your apartment between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. is a nightmare. Just an example of my last summer experience.

The most important thing to remember when working from home is to designate a specific workspace for yourself. Whether it’s an office or a desk in the corner, you need a space in your home dedicated to work — not breakfast, sleeping, or watching movies.

Setting up a separate workspace allows you to mentally label it and enter work mode every time you sit down. When you’re self-employed, it might be difficult to establish a work-life balance, and having a separate place is the first step in doing so.

Coffee house

If you prefer to go out of the house for work on a regular basis, going to a coffee shop a few times a week is a fantastic alternative. A change of location can help spark creativity and put you right back to work. It can also do a mental trick on you, causing you to focus instead of drifting off to check Facebook. Something about being in a room full of people makes you feel accountable to get stuff done, even if it’s just because we feel bad about using free wi-fi to watch funny videos.

The disadvantages of working in a coffee shop are obvious: it’s crowded and noisy, has poor wi-fi, and the cost of those $6 lattes adds up. I prefer to go to cafes on days when I can’t seem to focus at home and need some human interaction.

Daily office rentals

If you need a freelance workspace outside of your house but coffee shops are too noisy for you, consider part-time office rentals. Most cities will have a few options for renting an office, meeting room, or tiny workspace by the day or hour.

This provides you with a professional work environment that includes a desk, wi-fi, and a number of other amenities depending on the office (some even have expensive espresso machines!). This is a fantastic choice if you ever need to impress a client or need a nicer venue than your living room for a sales pitch.

Check out Breather if you’re in Montreal, New York, or San Francisco — an app that allows you to find hourly office spaces on the road. LiquidSpace has locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia, while Regus is a global corporation with offices all over the world. You may also do a quick search in your city for ‘hourly office rental’ and see what comes up. You might be amazed at how cheap this alternative can be.

Coworking space

Coworking spaces are workplaces set up for a large number of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and startups. You share the workspace yet work individually in a coworking facility. These places give a creative and collaborative environment that working from home doesn’t deliver.

A coworking space will provide you with a spot to work at, wi-fi, and plenty of inspiration from other creatives. You may also have access to other services and amenities (kitchen, lounge, conference rooms), and most are considerably nicer/cooler than your apartment. Many coworking spaces offer various membership packages, allowing you to drop in once in a while or have full 24-hour access to the premise.

When I’m on the road, I usually work in coworking spaces. The wi-fi is substantially better than in hotels or most cafes, the facilities are usually wonderful, and it’s a terrific opportunity to meet other travelers.

Choosing the best freelance workspace for you entirely hinges on your work style and budget, and your preferences may vary as you climb the freelance ladder.

Q/A Session: What kind of freelance workspace do you prefer? Let me know in the comments section.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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