Why Use Google Discovery Ads for B2B Business Scaling?


The way people discover products online is ever evolving. Thanks to the infinite involvement of social media in people’s lives, the consumer of today engages with ad content in a more welcoming way.

Google reports that “48% of consumers discovered their favorite brand when searching for something else,” and with Google’s new Discovery platform, that number is yet to grow.

Discovery ads are a handy new ad type wherein marketers can upload interactive carousel ads to target audiences. They can use the ad type for their B2B business scaling effort which could open the door for a whole new lead generation attempt.

Here is why you should use Google Discovery ads for B2B Business scaling.

Google Discovery ads provide an immersive and interactive experience to viewers

Thanks to online marketing, Google advertisers have so many options to reach their target audiences. Besides Google Display ads and Shopping, they now have another tool at their disposal—a more immersive one.

Google advertisers can now display actual images in their ads so they could visually support their narrative.

Google Discovery Ads will enable advertisers to show their products in a single image or a swipeable carousel format.

You might ask, “well, isn’t this what Facebook has been doing for years?”

And you’re absolutely right. Facebook has been using interactive ads in which prospects engage with the advert to increase Click-through rates.

But now, advertisers could do the same thing on Google, too.

You can serve suitable combinations of descriptions, headlines, and image creatives to your prospects

Google’s machine learning algorithms have taken Google Discovery Ads to a whole new level. For those who need to scale their B2B business, Google Discovery ads allow you to reach a landing page URL with a logo, at least one image, 5 headlines, and 5 descriptions.

Google will then use its machine learning technology to serve the most suitable combinations of your descriptions, headlines, and image creatives to your prospects.

While you can adjust your Google ad campaigns almost completely, you don’t have that privilege with Google Discovery ads. You cannot use, change, or manage any of these settings:

  • Manual Bidding Strategies
  • Delivery Method
  • Device Targeting
  • Placement Targeting, including exclusions
  • Frequency Capping
  • Ad Rotation
  • Contextual Targeting

Aiming for relevancy, you can use Google Discovery to reach prospective clients who are more likely to click on the ad. What sets it apart from the other Google ad campaigns is the fact that Google Discovery Ads function independently of human involvement.

Google Discovery ads: increased popularity and explosive impact

As far as B2B business scaling is concerned, you can tap into the Discover platform features and use the Discover ads to create explosive impact.

Google Discovery ads will help monetize Google Discover, which replaced Google Feed back in 2019. Google launched the platform to satisfy 3 shifts in the Consumer’s Search Behavior:

  • Provide the best User Experience along the Buying Journey
  • Assist text ads with seamless visuals
  • Serve audiences with ad content that fits their intent more accurately

Within 6 months of its launch, the Discover platform has had a reach of over 800 million users. This will help you target an entirely new list of prospects by re-channelling your ad targeting attempts.

Google Discover ads: Multi-channel placements means more reach

Besides Google Discover’s massive user base, you can run Discovery ads on multi-channel platforms. This includes YouTube mobile home feed and Gmail promotional tabs.

Using Google Discovery ads in YouTube home feed will create an additional CTA banner on top of the Ads image, headline, and description, allowing you to tap into massive pools of prospects to scale your B2B business even further.

You can tap into advanced audience targeting features in Discovery ads

After you select a campaign type, you must upload and input your creatives. Then Google will optimize and handle your content across multi-channel placements.

As a marketer, you’ll have the same audience targeting features traditionally available to you on Google Display ad campaigns. This includes:

  • In-market
  • Interest
  • New custom audiences
  • And more

To resort to Google Discovery ads for B2B business scaling means you must leverage Google’s audience targeting features and strengthen your brand awareness.

Customer intent and in-market audiences perform well!

If I had to describe Google Discovery ads in 2 words, I would say “User Engagement.”

Driving more engagement is at the core of Google Discovery ads. Wouldn’t you agree that visually rich content would trigger a reaction from your target audience?

Reaction is one form of user engagement that you most definitely need on your to-do list.

If studied well, there is a plethora of scenarios in which Google Discovery ads could help you achieve your marketing goals:

  • Using Discovery campaigns to drive conversions (e.g. site visits, newsletter sign-ups, sales, and more.)
  • Sharing inspiring creatives across Google’s news feed to reach new customers
  • Reconnect with your repeat customers and engage with them
  • Increase your brand awareness by promoting your products using inspiring carousels to tell a story

Google’s grasp of Customer Intent enables you to showcase advertisements tailored to your audience’s interests—making it more relevant to your B2B business scaling than ever before.

You can drive quality traffic at a low CPC

Oftentimes, Display CPCs are cheap. However, targeting an open audience results in low-quality traffic—enough to make a B2B company ignore it altogether.

On the other hand, Google Discovery ads can be that grey area where a company could scale its B2B quality traffic at a low cost.

Discovery ads could be an extremely useful addition to your B2B advertising strategies. They drive quality traffic to your website at a ridiculously low CPC, provided you have a Lead Nurture Program in place—one that is strong and consistent with your overall marketing campaigns.


When using Google Discovery ads for your B2B business scaling, you need to measure their performance across multiple channels.

This will help you better optimize your Cost Per Conversions and reach the full potential of your ad campaigns.

Increasing your conversion rates is becoming more complex, especially since users engage with content across various channels and platforms. Remember to offer content that inspires instead of one that sells, and build your Discovery Ads strategies around that. Your target audience will be more engaging.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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