Blogging vs. Freelance Writing: Which One Is Better For You?


If you’re reading this, you may be ready to take the jump and become your own boss. However, you may be wondering which one is better for you: blogging or freelance writing. The truth is: these are extremely different domains, and it’s quite challenging to succeed in one of them, let alone both. 

For instance, while freelance writing is ideal if you don’t mind working with clients, blogging is perfect for you if you prefer to work at your own pace and create something unique from the ground up. They’re both excellent options, but odds are you’ll be more suited to one or the other.

This article will explain the differences between blogging and freelance writing. Then, we’ll talk about which career path might be ideal for you.

Blogging Vs. Freelance Writing

To begin, let’s look at what freelance writing and blogging entail in terms of work:

  • Freelance writing: You’re hired to create written content for others. You’ll most likely be paid by word and will have to juggle several clients at all times.
  • Blogging: Your primary goal is to generate as much traffic as possible by writing content that people want to read. Then, try to come up with ways to monetize that traffic, like affiliate marketing or selling digital products.

Regardless of which option you choose, you must have a strong desire to write in order to succeed. It’s also worth noting that both careers offer long-term prospects, but blogging can be more difficult to get into.

You could theoretically start freelance writing and snag your first client in a matter of days. In practice, though, it takes months to build a portfolio, woo high-ticket clients, and make a living.

That process took me over a year, because I lacked the necessary skills to succeed as a freelance writer and took on a lot of dead-end opportunities.

Blogging, however, demands a great deal of patience. You may create a blog today, and publish your first post tomorrow. However, in my experience, most blogs take about six months to become lucrative, provided everything is done correctly (although your mileage may vary).

Putting those differences aside, both freelance writers and bloggers have various benefits, including:

  • You get to choose your own hours and work from wherever you want
  • You can work in your PJs all day (if that’s your thing)
  • Anyone can try their lack with content writing regardless of their background
  • You’re free to specialize in any field you like

Remember, with freelance writing, you get to determine your own pricing, and there are plenty of online platforms to look for high-paying clients, e.g., FlexJobs, Craigslist, Paid to Blog Jobs.

On the other hand, earnings as a blogger can vary substantially depending on the success of your website. 

Who should consider blogging as a career path

In my opinion, bloggers who treat their websites as a business are the most successful. This means you should approach blogging with a clear plan, which should contain the following:

  • What’s your niche?
  • What’s a content strategy that you can follow and commit to?
  • How do you plan on monetizing your freelance website?

You’ll also need a solid understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) fundamentals. Finding organic visitors will be difficult without it, and it’ll lengthen the time it takes to increase your blog’s value.

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket because it can take a long time to start making money from your blog. Ideally, you’ll have a job that will allow you to support yourself as you build your site (or a lot of savings). When your blog starts to generate revenue, you can consider converting it into a full-time job.

Finally, and this is a cliche, but you must be passionate and educated about the topics you choose to blog about. If your blog is successful, you’ll continue adding new stuff to it for years to come. In other words, if you’re not engaged in what you’re writing about, you’ll likely get bored shortly.

Who should consider a freelance writing career path

When I talk with new freelance writers, they all seem to struggle with the same issue: getting ideal clients. The truth is that even seasoned writers must work hard to gain new clients. However, as your experience improves and your portfolio expands, it becomes easier to persuade potential customers that you’re the right person for the job.

I generally deal with long-term clients these days, which means I don’t have to continually look for new employment. However, it took a long time and a lot of lousy jobs for me to get to this point. Here are a few pointers that could have brought me to this point faster:

  • Always strive to improve your portfolio!
  • Focus on one or two niches because being an expert pays off when it comes to attracting clients and demanding higher prices.
  • Don’t be hesitant to raise your fees on occasion, especially with new clients.

Personally, the most successful freelance writers are all superb hustlers. They understand how to sell themselves and aren’t scared to negotiate with new clients.

I’ve never been particularly good at either of those things. However, I make up for it with knowledge of the areas I enjoy writing about. That simply goes to show that you don’t have to be a charming ball of fire to thrive as a freelance writer, provided you know how to do your job properly and can work well with others.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations, you’ve made it this far! 

Both blogging and freelance writing will allow you to work from home in your pajamas, which is their main selling point. However, these career paths aren’t suitable for everyone. Suppose you’re not sure as to which one is ideal for you. In that case, a little introspection can spare you from taking a job that’s not a good fit for your personality and work habits.

Who should consider freelance writing or blogging as a career path:

  • Freelance writing: As a freelance writer, you’ll have to constantly pursue new clients, but you’ll be able to determine your own pricing, which is excellent.
  • Blogging: If you have the patience for it, blogging may be quite rewarding and can provide a long-term solid living.
Q/A Session: Have you experimented with blogging or freelance writing? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments section.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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