Is Freelancing a Good Side Hustle?


Freelancing can be a smart strategy to support your income. However, you may be asking if freelancing is a viable side hustle.

The short answer is yes. The long answer, however, might take you about 3 and half minutes to read. So, sit back and relax as we dive into 1) what a side hustle is, 2) what a good side hustle looks like, and 3) see if freelancing would qualify for a good side hustle.

#1 What is a side hustle, and what does it entail?

A side hustle is a job (or gig) that you take on in addition to your primary job to support your income. In other words, you might want to start a side hustle if you:

  • Struggle to make ends meets on your job alone
  • Wish to cover a significant purchase
  • Pad your savings account
  • Achieve other financial goals

#2 What does a good side hustle look like?

Now that we’ve identified what it is, what makes a good side hustle? A successful side hustle pays well and allows you to work at your own pace.

You’ve already invested a lot of time and energy in your career. Your side hustle should be simple to fit into your ever-changing schedule – and it should be worth your while. Plus, it ought to help you learn and grow as a professional so you may reap the benefits even after your clients have paid you.

#3 Is freelancing a profitable side hustle?

Freelancing IS a profitable side hustle! Here are 7 major reasons:

  • Flexible schedules
  • Free to work anywhere
  • Easy way to make money
  • High earning potential
  • Adaptability
  • Scalable growth
  • Enhancing your career

Let’s take a look at each one separately.

  1. Flexible schedule

Freelancing allows you to be more flexible with your schedule. Working a part-time retail job, driving for a rideshare firm, or walking pets are all more difficult to fit into your day than freelancing projects. You can pull out your laptop and get some work done if you have 15 minutes to spare.

Freelancing is ideal for early mornings before going to work, nights before going to bed, and weekends in between activities. You get to choose when you want to work with clients (and when you don’t!).

  1. Free to work anywhere

With freelancing, you can work on projects while sitting on your couch in your pajamas. (You don’t need a pandemic opportunity to do that). You can even work from a coffee shop, a park, or a plane if you have access to electricity and an internet connection.

  1. An easy way to make money

Freelancing is, without a doubt, the quickest way to earn money online. It’s certainly more expedient than waiting to become an influencer or for a blog piece to receive enough traffic to be monetized. If you have marketable skills, you can start making money right off the bat.

  1. High earning potential

Freelancing allows you to make a lot of money! Seriously, giving services like content writing, graphic design, social media management, site development, and so on will earn you more money than delivering food or working as a barista. It bears repeating – if you’re going to give up your precious spare time to increase cash flow, you might as well maximize how much you earn!

  1. Adaptability

Freelancing is adaptable and completely customizable. Need some extra cash? Take on a new freelance project. Life looks like a dumpster fire? Slow down your client acquisition. You can keep it as modest as you want – or expand it into something bigger than you ever imagined.

  1. Scalable growth

So much personal and professional growth occurs as a result of freelancing. You’ll pick up new skills, improve on those you already have, and meet new people. Your network and viewpoint will grow at a rapid rate, potentially opening future doors. Your freelance business could even serve as a launching pad for a completely new career.

  1. Enhancing your career

Freelancing can help you improve your present job performance. Even if your freelance business has nothing to do with your career, you can use transferrable skills in your day job to earn raises, promotions, and other honors.

When you freelance, for example, you’ll have to negotiate your compensation rate with clients on a regular basis. It’s a good setup for when you need to have a similar discussion with your boss.

You’ll also need to network extensively and put yourself out there every single day. Don’t worry if it isn’t your strong suit right now. Repetition and persistence will help you improve. Then, get ready to dazzle the office with your newfound confidence and relationship-building skills.

Last Thoughts

That’s all there is to it. Freelancing is an excellent side hustle. You can earn decent money – and do so at your own convenience.

Question: Want to freelance as a side hustle indefinitely?

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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