The 7 Best Books for Freelancers & Solopreneurs to Read Now


Get ready to learn about some of the most useful books for freelancers and solopreneurs.

These books have all helped in the development of my freelance business and my decision to leave the corporate world for a life of travel and greater flexibility.

These books will help you start, grow, and scale your freelance creative business. So, if you want to succeed in your freelance adventure, keep reading.

The Best Books To Read Now For Freelancers & Solopreneurs

#1 Freelance To Freedom by Vincent Pugliese

Vincent and his wife worked as photojournalists for a newspaper and earned $300,000 per year. They knew they wouldn’t be able to maintain this lifestyle for long with their increasing brood.

This book tells how they built a side business photography weddings on weekends and paid off over $100,000 in debt in just three years.

They’ve both quit their careers and are now traveling with their four children.

#2 This Year Will Be Different – by Monika Kanokova

Monika features interviews, anecdotes, and advice from women who have successfully launched their own creative businesses.

In this book, Monika opened a platform for women in a range of industries to provide valuable insight and practical advice.

#3 The 4 Hour Work Week – by Tim Ferriss

This is the book that convinced a lot of freelancers to leave their chilly, dark flats and travel around Southeast Asia while running their freelance businesses for the winter. It explains how to get started working remotely and how to streamline your life so that you can work less. This is the book for you if you’ve ever dreamed of retiring early or working from a beach instead of a cubicle.

#4 E-Myth Revisted – by Michael E. Gerber

Several freelancers who have taken their businesses to the next level have suggested this book to me. Because of the title, I was hesitant, but this book is a must-read for every entrepreneur looking to build a long-term business.

You’ll learn everything there is to know about the usual entrepreneurial journey, as well as how to avoid the mistakes that lead to business failure.

#5 You Are A Badass at Making Money – By Jen Sincero

The New York Magazine described it as “A cheerful manifesto on removing obstacles between yourself and the income of your dreams.”

I couldn’t agree more. This book is not only brilliantly written, but it’s also incredibly inspiring and full of captivating stories that will inspire you to get your finances in order.

#6 The Lean Startup – By Eric Ries

Despite the name, this book is applicable to any business, including freelancers.

The Lean Startup focuses on getting rid of cumbersome business strategies and processes that slow you down for fast business growth.

#7 The Big Leap – By Gaye Hendricks

The subtitle says it all: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level. Fears get in the way of success for freelancers all the time.

This book aims to help you overcome those worries so that you may focus on performing the work you were meant to do and earn the kind of money you desire.

Final thoughts

Are these the finest books for freelancers, in your opinion?

Is there a book you recommend for freelancers or solopreneurs that I missed?

Let me know and I’ll consider updating this list.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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