7 Smart Ways For Freelancers To Boost Productivity


When you’re your own boss, it’s critical to make the most of your time and get things done! This post will look at 7 ways to cut down on distractions, boost productivity, and get more done.

Freelancing is like writing in your diary – in that everyone has tried it at some point, but only a few people manage to keep doing it.


Mostly because we live in an environment that’s full of distractions.

How many times have you told yourself, “I’ll start writing that article/finish that task as soon as I answer my emails/check out this Wikipedia page/do some more research.”?

I know I do it all the time.

And the funny thing is, it’s not even because I dislike writing articles; it’s been my dream job since I was a kid.

The truth is that it’s all fun and games until you call it work. Then it’s back to work.

Here are seven strategies to help you boost productivity and retake control of your freelancing time:

#1 Make a feasible to-do list

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to keep your list as realistic as possible.

Suffering from a bloated inbox?

Set aside 30min in the morning and 30 in the afternoon just for email processing. This will help you skyrocket your productivity levels.

You’ll feel better once that’s done, and you’ll be able to focus on the more important tasks ahead of you.

If you’re a freelance writer with 15 articles to complete, how many can you complete per day while maintaining quality? Probably no more than five – and even, only if you’re familiar with the subject matter. If you need to do additional research, depending on the length of the article, you may be able to do 2 or 3. And that’s perfectly fine.

#2 Remove distractions

I’m one of those people who respond to emails in minutes. This is due to the fact that my email is always open in a separate tab. And when I see that magical new notification, I just can’t stop myself.

That’s bad for productivity.

After realizing how distracting that could be while writing, I’ve limited myself to checking it twice a day – or during breaks if I’m expecting something that’s both urgent and important.

This is to keep my attention on the task at hand.

The same is true for any other social media platform.

Tabs weren’t designed to have social media open in them. Not while you’re working, they weren’t.

I even turned off the WIFI on my phone, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to resist and would check my phone regardless of what I was doing.

Maybe that’s a little too advanced to start with, but at the very least, turn on Do-Not-Disturb mode.

#3 Track your time

There are some applications for this (we like Toggl), but a simple stopwatch will suffice.

Knowing how much time you’re devoting to each task on your list will help you not only improve your list but also help you concentrate more.

That’s not to say you should limit your time spent on important tasks, but you should know the tasks that consume most of your time.

Tracking your progress is an excellent way to stay focused, and I highly recommend it.

#4 Create an office space

It can be beneficial to have a place that you (and other people in your life) associate with working.

It doesn’t have to be a room, office, or anything fancy. It could be a corner of a room set up in a way that allows you to boost your productivity. Perhaps a calendar will be hung on the wall, or motivational quotes will be splattered around.

The space is yours. Be creative.

Make sure you’re at ease and capable of working in this environment.

Just this one hack will put you in the right frame of mind and become more diligent almost immediately. It’s as simple as flipping a switch.

This will also inform others of this office space so they know not to approach you while you’re working – which will drastically increase interruptions.

#5 Be clear about everything 

Again, this may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many times I misunderstood what the client wanted and had to spend extra time perfecting everything.

This is especially common when doing design or something creative, as clients can find it difficult to put everything they want into words. It can also happen if you’re writing because some clients don’t have clear guidelines and will expect you to rework parts of the project that they don’t like.

All of this is normal every now and then, but try to avoid it from the start by having a list of questions ready to ask the clients.

The more you automate your work, the less work you’ll have to do.

As you complete more and more projects, you’ll realize what specific questions to ask to avoid unnecessary confusion.

This way, you can ensure that your work is not wasted and that you’re 100% clear on the client’s vision.

#6 Master the art of saying ‘NO’

A tried-and-true time-management tip, especially if you’re just starting out as a freelancer.

Even when your hands are full, accepting more work seems very appealing, especially when the work offered is interesting and well-paid.

Many freelancers fall into this trap and take on more work than they can handle, which can be disastrous for their reputation.

Consider it like juggling: it’s easy to do with 3 or 4 balls, but every new addition increases the risk of dropping them all.

Dropped Balls = Dissatisfied Customers = Negative Reviews

Consider the big picture and keep track of what you’ve got to do.

#7 Take breaks 

Nothing beats crossing something off my To-Do list and taking a 15-minute break.

I use this time to check my phone, play with my pets, or enjoy a good cup of coffee without feeling guilty. There is no better feeling in the world.

Because I sit and slouch while writing, I frequently use these breaks to move around and get some exercise to stay in shape.

Getting your blood flowing and your body warmed up can do wonders for your concentration. Getting back to work becomes more fun.

To keep your focus laser-sharp, I recommend taking a 15-30-minute break every 2 hours.

Although breaking these rules may be tempting, I guarantee that following them will boost productivity by at least 50%.

Maintain your resolve, and they will soon become second nature, transforming you into a productive freelancer.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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