Day 1 of 31 Days of Marketing Your Freelance Business! I’m delighted to have you here. We’ll be covering a ton of various techniques to market your business and get more clients over the following 31 days. Let’s get this party started. Create a new Google Doc or Evernote note to document your plan for the next 31 days.

Goal setting for your freelance marketing

The first stage in any marketing effort is to review your goals. I realize some folks despise this step and are eager to get to the point. But how do you get anywhere if you don’t know your destination? And don’t worry, I’ll make things as easy as possible.

We’re not going through your life goals today, e.g. how you want to travel 50 countries in 35 years or buy a $250,000 car in the next five years. Having goal-setting meetings is excellent, but today we’re going to focus on promoting your business.

Begin by taking a quick overview of your current situation.

  • How many customers do you have?
  • How much money do you make?
  • How many prospects do you speak with each month?
  • How much time do you spend at work?
  • How much do you charge per hour?
  • How much traffic does your blog or website receive each month?
  • How many followers do you have on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn?

Now, answer all of those questions again, but this time, focus on where you want to be in three months. These are the benchmarks against which your marketing performance will be measured. You’ll be able to observe where you’re expanding, what marketing efforts are working for you, and what actions result in more clients after you start selling yourself more.

If you don’t know the exact answers to these questions right now, focus on the first three: how many clients you have, how much income you make, and how many prospects you’re speaking with. Your income is determined by these three factors.

You now have some numbers to work with. I’ll be offering you methods and tips all month to help you attain these goals with easy marketing actions. Don’t worry, it’ll be painless.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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