Things You Can Do To Grow Your Freelance Business 10 Minutes a Day


Consider how many times you have a 10-minute lull in your day.

Whether it’s a break at work, in between client meetings, while waiting for water to boil or in line at the grocery store, or you’ve just done a task ahead of schedule and don’t have anything scheduled for the next 10 minutes. These snippets of time can quickly add up.

If you have an extensive to-do list or you’re going on a side hustle journey, you want to make the most of every minute of the day, right? These brief pauses throughout the day may seem pointless — what can you accomplish in 10 minutes?

You can do so much in these 10-minute lulls to help your freelance business. Use your breaks properly, and you’ll be able to cross items off your to-do list all day while also setting your freelance business up for success.

Here are a few suggestions for things you can do to improve your business in 10 minutes or less:

  • Post on Instagram or LinkedIn
  • Retweet someone you’d like to work with on Twitter.
  • Respond to an email you’ve been putting off for a while.
  • Respond to a post in a Facebook group.
  • Send an email to someone you’d like to have on your power team one day.
  • Make a list of blog topics about which you could write.
  • For a quick burst of inspiration, watch an episode of Marie TV or The Pursuit of Happyness.
  • Prepare/Send an invoice.
  • Refresh your task management list.
  • Take a look at a quick tutorial on something you wish to learn.
  • Design a Pinterest graphic for your upcoming blog post.
  • Design a quote image to post on social media.
  • Use Co-Schedule to distribute previous blog content on Twitter.
  • Look for a new Facebook or Slack community to join.
  • Examine your website’s analytics or Facebook ad statistics.
  • Post a quick video on TikTok.
  • Try writing anything that comes to mind for a new blog entry.
  • Read a blog post and leave a comment on it.
  • Send out follow-up or check-in emails to previous clients.
  • Create printouts or downloadables for your blog or website.
  • Track your income and expenses.
  • Ask for testimonials from previous clients.

What if you’re working on a large project, like an ebook or online course, and you just don’t have time? Spend a few minutes breaking down your large activity into bite-sized tasks and work on finishing your project in your spare time. By putting together the work you accomplish in small bursts, you can create a lot of great things. It’s not always necessary to have a full weekend open to finish your projects.

Q/A session: What are your top quick wins for your freelance business? Do you take short breaks to help get stuff done? Let me know in the comments section.

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I’m Imad, the content creator and online marketing strategist behind The Guemmah Freelance Hub. My mission is to help more freelancers grow themselves, their business, and their profits.

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